January. A Month to Begin Your Planning.

Although it is cold outside in January, the days do start to get longer. In a few short months there may still be a chill in the air but the sun will be shining bright on Block Island and Spring will officially be here. Besides saying goodbye to the cold days, snow, sweaters and big bulky jackets, the start of Spring on Block Island brings along a lot to look forward to.

A few things to consider this Spring:

  1. Go on a hike or grab your bike and take in the beauty Block Island has to offer. Trails like Rodman’s Hollow has much to explore. Clayhead Trail is home to the island’s infamous maze, something you have to see once.
  2. “Leave your troubles behind”! Like the jingle says, you are on vacation so please unplug.
  3. Try the seafood! You’re on an island folks.
  4. Island businesses start to open up for the season. Your dining and shopping choices are doubled once Spring rolls around.
  5. The scenery is just as amazing as it is in the Summer and the crowds have not yet arrived. Make your own adventure by taking it all in on the beach, on a boat, or even in the sky.

There is so much to see and experience this Spring. And once your day’s adventure is complete, there is no where else to be than at the Neptune House.

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